Join or Renew Now

When you join Marin County Women Lawyers (MCWL), you join women and men throughout Marin and the greater Bay Area to advocate for women in the legal profession and women’s rights.  Moreover, you will experience unparalleled fellowship between our members.  At MCWL, you will meet people, like you, who are proud to be engaged in the legal profession and support their fellow female colleagues.  MCWL welcomes women and men attorneys as individual members, as well as law firms, bar associations and law students.

Help us, help women.  MCWL is a not-for-profit professional organization which relies on modest membership dues and sponsorship to help us achieve our goals of supporting women in the legal profession and women’s rights by providing networking, education, resources and fellowship.


  • Regular Members, Judicial Associate Members, Attorney Associate Members and Retired Associate Members: $65.00 annually
  • Regular Members in First Year of Practice:  Free
  • Law Student Members: $15.00 annually

To join and pay by mail, please download and complete our Membership Application, and send your application and a check for the applicable membership rate made out to “MCWL” to MCWL, P.O. Box 4314, San Rafael, CA 94903.

If you have any questions, please contact us at